Thursday, July 24, 2014

Annie's Project 10th Anniversary Celebration Sept. 19-20 at Lake of the Ozarks will Honor Missouri Farm Women

Contact: Wesley Tucker, agriculture business specialist
Headquartered in Polk County
Tel: (417) 326-4916

BOLIVAR, Mo. -- Annie's Project in Missouri is celebrating 10 years of empowering farm women to be better managers and owners of their farming operations.

“For past Annie's Project graduates, the celebration is a chance to reunite. For those new to Annie's Project, this is an opportunity to learn about the program and people,” said Wesley Tucker, agriculture business specialist with University of Missouri Extension.

The celebration will take place in early fall at a two-day conference on Sept. 19-20 in the Lake of the Ozarks area.

“Throughout the course of our Annie’s Project programs we have had several women expressing the desire for a conference where they could meet other farm women from across the state,” said Mary Sobba, agribusiness specialist and Annie’s Project Co-State Coordinator. “This is another great forum for women in agriculture to get together to learn about the business of farming and network with others in like situations.”

Some of the Midwest’s top agriculture professionals will be featured at the conference.

The September conference will feature Jerry Crownover, Teddy Gentry, and John Baker. Jerry Crownover, beef producer and humorist, will be the Friday night keynote speaker. Teddy Gentry, vocalist and bass guitarist for the band Alabama and founder of South Poll Cattle Breed, will discuss matching cattle to your environment. John Baker, attorney and administrator of the Iowa State University Beginning Farmer Center, will discuss how to treat heirs fairly when only one is taking over the farm.

Other topics covered at the events will include the 2014 farm bill, financial statements –beyond the basics, financing your farm, market outlook, climate trends, livestock production, and crop, forage, and livestock insurance.

"We invite all Missouri farm women, whether or not they've participated in Annie's Project, to these celebrations," says Karisha Devlin, agribusiness specialist and Annie’s Project Co-State Coordinator. "We want to honor all Missouri farm women for their roles in agriculture, connect women with each other, and raise awareness of agricultural risk management."

Registration, which covers the costs of meals, breaks and conference materials, is only $35. The complete program agenda and registration online can be found online at or by calling the Polk County Extension Center at 417-326-4916.

The Annie’s Project 10 Year Celebration Events are partially funded by a grant through the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Risk Management Agency and is sponsored by Farm Credit, along with University of Missouri Extension and National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA).


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