Friday, May 16, 2014

Choose Pine Tree Variety Carefully to Have Success

Contact: Patrick Byers, horticulture specialist
Headquartered in Greene County
Tel: (417) 881-8909

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – Pines trees seem to have lots of issues which makes picking the right one for southwest Missouri difficult according to Patrick Byers, a horticulture specialist with University of Missouri Extension.

“In this region our pine trees face pine wilt nematodes, diplodia tip blight and dothistroma needle blight,” said Byers.

Due to those known challenges, it is best to avoid Scotch pine, Ponderosa pine and Austrian pine in the Ozarks.

“It is also possible to take steps to manage the pine program in southwest Missouri,” said Byers. “For example, don’t plant problem pines and use fungicide applications to fight diplodia and dorthistroma.”

For individuals wanting to have success with pines in southwest Missouri, Byers recommends either Eastern white pines or shortleaf pine.

Pines can be easily distinguished from other evergreens because their needle-like leaves are produced in bundles of two to five needles. Pines are used for screens, windbreaks and mass plantings or are planted as specimen trees. They need full sunlight to develop properly.

For more information on this topic, or to ask other lawn or gardening questions, contact the Master Gardeners of Greene County hotline at (417) 881-8909.


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