Thursday, February 11, 2016

Federal and State Funding Available for Food and Agribusiness Development Enterprises

Contact: Dr. Amy Patillo, community development specialist
Headquartered in Howell County
Tel: (417) 256-2391

WEST PLAINS, Mo. -- University of Missouri Extension in Howell County will present a special program about federal and state funding available for food and agribusiness development enterprises.

The program will be from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., Feb. 16 at the Howell County Extension Office, 1376 Bill Virdon Blvd. West Plains.

Dr. Van Ayers, community development specialist with University of Missouri Extension, will be presenting the program. Van Ayers has assisted numerous farmers and farm groups in obtaining funding for their food enterprises.

“This workshop focuses on improving and expanding food systems including growing, processing, storing, distributing, transporting and selling food in Missouri. This represents an opportunity to build entrepreneurship, small businesses, and jobs,” said Dr. Amy Patillo, community development specialist with MU Extension.

Locally produced food has the growing attention of consumers, schools, grocers, restaurants, entrepreneurial businesses, including farmers, processors, and distributors.

“Growing businesses rooted in agriculture is a good approach to building the regional economy and local jobs,” said Patillo.

This workshop will focus on connecting growers and producers with the available funding for the development of food enterprises in Missouri and expanding the local food systems and value-added agriculture enterprises.

For more information, contact Patillo at the Howell County Extension center, (417) 256-2391.


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