Monday, June 06, 2016

Women in Dairy Workshop June 13 in Mtn. Grove Focuses on Relieving Everyday Stress

Contact: Reagan Bluel, dairy specialist
Headquartered in Barry County
Tel: (417)  847-3161

MTN. GROVE, Mo. –Schedule the opportunity to lunch and learn at University of Missouri Extension’s “Women in Dairy” program scheduled from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., June 13 at the Missouri State University Fruit Experiment Station, 9740 Red Spring Road, Mountain Grove.

The program is designed to help dairy ladies learn how to best take time for themselves for the betterment of the farm.

“When people’s lives get really busy and stressed, or something traumatic happens, it can affect both physical and mental health” said MU Extension Human Development Specialist Angie Fletcher. “Virtually everyone suffers from stress.”

“The Taking Care of You” program provides practical strategies to help people manage stress in healthy ways so they are better able to take care of themselves and maintain their overall health.

“Women in the dairy industry are amazing jugglers. Whether it is a sick cow, employee problems, or family demands, there’s always something” said Reagan Bluel, dairy specialist with MU Extension.

Whatever the sources of stress in your life University of Missouri Extension delivers a nationally recognized stress-relief program to help you meet your challenges so you can live a healthier life.

MU Extension’s Women in Dairy program is on its debut year.

“We home ladies will be able to take time get off the farm to enjoy a nice lunch this month to learn ways to manage everyday farm stress” said Bluel.

Register by calling the Wright County Extension office at (417) 547-7545. Admission of $10 can be paid at the door.

For more information, contact Reagan Bluel, 417-847-3161 or Ted Probert, 417-547-7545.


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