What is Your Extension Story?
Contact: David Burton, civic communication specialist
Tel: (417) 881-8909
E-mail: burtond@missouri.edu
University of Missouri Extension has been improving lives for generations.
While the topics and methods have changed over the years, the impact that
research-based information can have on an individual has not.
David Burton, a civic
communication specialist with MU Extension, says his first contact with the
"extension service" was when he was 10-years old and trying to grow
“My grandfather had a
big garden and he gave me some space to start my pumpkin business. He also helped
me plant several hills and water the pumpkins during the hot summer,”
said Burton.
Things were going great,
and Burton was seeing dollar signs as the small pumpkins formed, until bugs
showed up on the vines. That is when his grandfather suggested visiting the county
extension office to get information on what to do.
“My parents drove me to
Springfield and I went in to the old extension office on Boonville. I still
remember all of the file cabinets full of publications that lined the walls in that
office,” said Burton. “Someone in the office located an extension guide sheet
for me on raising pumpkins and one on dealing with pumpkin pests.”
The publication was
informative, research-based, and answered his questions.
What was the result of
the information MU Extension provided?
“I went to the MFA
store in Ash Grove and spent some money on a pesticide to deal with the
problem. That fall I made, what seemed like a lot of money to me, selling
pumpkins out of our garage for jack-o-lanterns and pies,” said Burton
MU Extension helped
Burton solve a problem and make money back in 1976 and county extension offices
are still doing the same thing today.
Extension offices still
have resources and experts on topics related to gardening, agriculture,
starting a business, youth development (like 4-H), community development
and other topics.
“One of the biggest
changes is that MU Extension’s popular guide sheets can all be found online (xtension.missouri.edu).
That sure would have saved me a lot of time back in 1976,” said Burton.
what is your MU Extension story? Share your first experience with MU Extension
by sending Burton an email at burtond@missouri.edu
with the details, or become a Facebook fan at facebook.com/MUExtension417 and
share your story with others.
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