Friday, August 09, 2013

Southwest Missouri Field Crop Report for August 7, 2013

Contact: Jill Scheidt, agronomy specialist
Tel: (417) 682-3579

LAMAR, Mo. –Jill Scheidt, agronomy specialist with University of Missouri Extension in Barton County, scouted area fields on August 7 to prepare this week’s field scouting report.


“With all the heavy rains, a lot of fields have standing water in them.  Smaller soybeans plants that are in the V3 stage, before bloom, are showing signs of root rot diseases,” said Scheidt.

Scheidt said the beginning of rhizoctonia and fusarium were seen in double crop beans.

Rhizoctonia is identified by red to reddish brown lesions on the root at the soil line.  Fusarium is identified by uneven stands and lesions on roots that lead to the decay of root material.  Both can be caused by wet soil conditions.

Sudden Death Syndrome, or SDS, could be a threat later in the season due to soil saturation later in the season.  SDS is associated with high soil moisture and cooler than normal temperatures at or near bloom and is more pronounced after bloom.

“SDS can be identified by yellowing between the veins, turning the whole leaf yellow and leaving the veins green.  There is no fungicide to treat SDS; more resistant varieties must be purchased in order to suppress SDS,” said Scheidt.


According to Scheidt, pod worms may become a concern in soybean fields once pods begin forming.  Pod worms are also known as corn earworm.

“They feed on pods and consume seeds.  Pod worms can be identified by their four abdominal prolegs and several longitudinal stripes down the body.  Threshold for pod worm in soybean are one per foot of row,” said Scheidt.

Corn earworm is also being seen in corn, feeding on the kernels.  There is no threshold for corn earworm in corn in Missouri. “It is often not economical to spray for corn earworm, rather, you must select for varieties with tighter fitting husks or earlier maturing varieties,” said Scheidt.

Crazy top and other funguses on corn ears were seen due to the wet weather.  Fungicides are not economical, therefore one must select for more resistant varieties when buying seed.


The weekly field scouting report is sponsored by University of Missouri Extension and Barton County Extension. For more information on this scouting report, or to learn how to receive it a week earlier by telephone, contact the MU Extension Center in Barton County, (417) 682-3579.

PHOTOS AVAILABLE: The direct link for a photo for use with this story is for the Corn Ear Worm.

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